Side Quests

Artscape 2019

Come join my cohorts and I at Baltimore’s 2019 Artscape festival Friday through Sunday at the legendary Copy Cat building. Projections, installations, and a salon style gallery will be on view along with open studios to immerse yourself in the work of over ten creatives in the region.

Friday July 19th-Sunday 21st 12-5 p.m.

1501 Guilford Ave

Baltimore, MD

77Art Fellowship

I’m honored to have the privilege to participate in the 77Art fellowship program August 2019. I will join thirteen visual thinkers in the intrepid struggle of communicating through visual language while in Rutland Vermont.

Lauren Crawford
Natura Obscura

Once I made the difficult decision to drop the life I had previously led in the grueling 9 to 5 race to pursue art, things eventually fell in to place. I’m not saying it was not frightening to forgo a regular paycheck or that mass amounts of noodles were not consumed in the process. But I am actively working on shaping my reality rather than being molded by the world around me. For this change in perspective I am eternally grateful. Thankful in understanding that there is privlige out there, unevenly dispersed, but I can grasp at the bits I have and construct my own shelter from the storms that rage overhead.